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Plot a resulting wind farm on a leaflet map.


plot_leaflet(result, Polygon1, which = 1, orderitems = TRUE, GridPol)



The output of windfarmGA or genetic_algorithm


The considered area as SpatialPolygon, SimpleFeature Polygon or coordinates as matrix/data.frame


A numeric value, indicating which individual to plot. The default is 1. Combined with orderitems = TRUE this will show the best performing wind farm.


A logical value indicating whether the results should be ordered by energy values TRUE or chronologically FALSE


By default, the grid will be calculated based on the inputs of result and the Polygon1. But another spatial object or the output of the grid_area or hexa_area functions can also be


Returns a leaflet map.


# \donttest{
## Plot the best wind farm on a leaflet map (ordered by energy values)
plot_leaflet(result = resulthex, Polygon1 = sp_polygon, which = 1)
## Plot the last wind farm (ordered by chronology). plot_leaflet(result = resulthex, Polygon1 = sp_polygon, orderitems = FALSE, which = 1)
## Plot the best wind farm on a leaflet map with the rectangular Grid Grid <- grid_area(sp_polygon, size = 150, prop = 0.4) plot_leaflet(result = resultrect, Polygon1 = sp_polygon, which = 1, GridPol = Grid[[2]])
## Plot the last wind farm with hexagonal Grid Grid <- hexa_area(sp_polygon, size = 75) plot_leaflet(result = resulthex, Polygon1 = sp_polygon, which = 1, GridPol = Grid[[2]])
# }