Retrieve the grid ID's from the binary matrix, where the binary code indicates which grid cells are used in the current wind farm constellation.
See also
Other Helper Functions:
# \donttest{
## Create a random rectangular shapefile
Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
c(0, 0, 2000, 2000, 0),
c(0, 2000, 2000, 0, 0)
crs = 3035
## Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and
## grid cell Ids.
Grid1 <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = 200, prop = 1)
Grid <- Grid1[[1]]
AmountGrids <- nrow(Grid)
startsel <- init_population(Grid, 10, 20)
wind <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0)
wind <- list(wind, probab = 100)
fit <- fitness(
selection = startsel, referenceHeight = 100, RotorHeight = 100,
SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = 200, rot = 20,
dirspeed = wind, srtm_crop = "", topograp = FALSE, cclRaster = ""
allparks <-"rbind", fit)
## print the amount of Individuals selected.
## Check if the amount of Turbines is as requested.
selec6best <- selection(fit, Grid, 2, TRUE, 6, "VAR")
## u determines the amount of crossover points,
## crossPart determines the method used (Equal/Random),
## uplimit is the maximum allowed permutations
crossOut <- crossover(selec6best, 2, uplimit = 300, crossPart = "RAN")
## Variable Mutation Rate is activated if more than 2 individuals represent
## the current best solution.
mut <- mutation(a = crossOut, p = 0.3)
## After Crossover and Mutation, the amount of turbines in a windpark change
## and have to be corrected to the required amount of turbines.
mut1 <- trimton(
mut = mut, nturb = 10, allparks = allparks,
nGrids = AmountGrids, trimForce = FALSE
## Get the new Grid-Ids and run a new fitness run.
getRectV <- get_grids(mut1, Grid)
fit <- fitness(
selection = getRectV, referenceHeight = 100, RotorHeight = 100,
SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = 200, rot = 20,
dirspeed = wind, srtm_crop = "", topograp = FALSE, cclRaster = ""
#> $`14,17,25,31,43,52,54,82,91,95`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 700 300 95.95216 7567.792 100 1 20 14
#> [2,] 1300 300 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 17
#> [3,] 900 500 95.95216 7567.792 100 1 20 25
#> [4,] 100 700 95.95216 7567.792 100 1 20 31
#> [5,] 500 900 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 43
#> [6,] 300 1100 95.95216 7567.792 100 1 20 52
#> [7,] 700 1100 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 54
#> [8,] 300 1700 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 82
#> [9,] 100 1900 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 91
#> [10,] 900 1900 95.95216 7567.792 0 1 20 95
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 7567.792
#> [2,] 7567.792
#> [3,] 7567.792
#> [4,] 7567.792
#> [5,] 7567.792
#> [6,] 7567.792
#> [7,] 7567.792
#> [8,] 7567.792
#> [9,] 7567.792
#> [10,] 7567.792
#> $`31,39,49,52,59,61,83,86,89,99`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 100 700 80.20216 6325.582 100 2 20 31
#> [2,] 1700 700 80.20216 6325.582 400 2 20 39
#> [3,] 1700 900 80.20216 6325.582 300 2 20 49
#> [4,] 300 1100 80.20216 6325.582 0 2 20 52
#> [5,] 1700 1100 80.20216 6325.582 200 2 20 59
#> [6,] 100 1300 80.20216 6325.582 0 2 20 61
#> [7,] 500 1700 80.20216 6325.582 0 2 20 83
#> [8,] 1100 1700 80.20216 6325.582 0 2 20 86
#> [9,] 1700 1700 80.20216 6325.582 100 2 20 89
#> [10,] 1700 1900 80.20216 6325.582 0 2 20 99
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 6325.582
#> [2,] 6325.582
#> [3,] 6325.582
#> [4,] 6325.582
#> [5,] 6325.582
#> [6,] 6325.582
#> [7,] 6325.582
#> [8,] 6325.582
#> [9,] 6325.582
#> [10,] 6325.582
#> $`4,27,30,33,61,65,69,87,93,94`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 700 100 98.40852 7761.526 100 3 20 4
#> [2,] 1300 500 98.40852 7761.526 100 3 20 27
#> [3,] 1900 500 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 30
#> [4,] 500 700 98.40852 7761.526 100 3 20 33
#> [5,] 100 1300 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 61
#> [6,] 900 1300 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 65
#> [7,] 1700 1300 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 69
#> [8,] 1300 1700 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 87
#> [9,] 500 1900 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 93
#> [10,] 700 1900 98.40852 7761.526 0 3 20 94
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 7761.526
#> [2,] 7761.526
#> [3,] 7761.526
#> [4,] 7761.526
#> [5,] 7761.526
#> [6,] 7761.526
#> [7,] 7761.526
#> [8,] 7761.526
#> [9,] 7761.526
#> [10,] 7761.526
#> $`2,3,9,55,56,57,63,65,80,89`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 300 100 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 2
#> [2,] 500 100 93.83756 7401.013 100 4 20 3
#> [3,] 1700 100 93.83756 7401.013 100 4 20 9
#> [4,] 900 1100 93.83756 7401.013 100 4 20 55
#> [5,] 1100 1100 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 56
#> [6,] 1300 1100 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 57
#> [7,] 500 1300 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 63
#> [8,] 900 1300 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 65
#> [9,] 1900 1500 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 80
#> [10,] 1700 1700 93.83756 7401.013 0 4 20 89
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 7401.013
#> [2,] 7401.013
#> [3,] 7401.013
#> [4,] 7401.013
#> [5,] 7401.013
#> [6,] 7401.013
#> [7,] 7401.013
#> [8,] 7401.013
#> [9,] 7401.013
#> [10,] 7401.013
#> $`12,38,48,53,54,62,68,76,91,94`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 300 300 89.86455 7087.66 100 5 20 12
#> [2,] 1500 700 89.86455 7087.66 200 5 20 38
#> [3,] 1500 900 89.86455 7087.66 100 5 20 48
#> [4,] 500 1100 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 53
#> [5,] 700 1100 89.86455 7087.66 100 5 20 54
#> [6,] 300 1300 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 62
#> [7,] 1500 1300 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 68
#> [8,] 1100 1500 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 76
#> [9,] 100 1900 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 91
#> [10,] 700 1900 89.86455 7087.66 0 5 20 94
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 7087.66
#> [2,] 7087.66
#> [3,] 7087.66
#> [4,] 7087.66
#> [5,] 7087.66
#> [6,] 7087.66
#> [7,] 7087.66
#> [8,] 7087.66
#> [9,] 7087.66
#> [10,] 7087.66
#> $`15,19,23,45,47,66,71,88,94,100`
#> X Y EfficAllDir EnergyOverall AbschGesamt Run RotorR Rect_ID
#> [1,] 900 300 98.25615 7749.509 100 6 20 15
#> [2,] 1700 300 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 19
#> [3,] 500 500 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 23
#> [4,] 900 900 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 45
#> [5,] 1300 900 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 47
#> [6,] 1100 1300 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 66
#> [7,] 100 1500 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 71
#> [8,] 1500 1700 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 88
#> [9,] 700 1900 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 94
#> [10,] 1900 1900 98.25615 7749.509 0 6 20 100
#> Parkfitness
#> [1,] 7749.509
#> [2,] 7749.509
#> [3,] 7749.509
#> [4,] 7749.509
#> [5,] 7749.509
#> [6,] 7749.509
#> [7,] 7749.509
#> [8,] 7749.509
#> [9,] 7749.509
#> [10,] 7749.509
# }